Growing guarantee ! – Guarantee for our roses

Why can we take the guarantee?

We have a guarantee for all roses grown in our garden. Our technology therefore our products suitable to buy plants which guaranteed to shoot and with continued care will be the beauty of your garden.

The potted roses have a root system that ensures good growing.

Planting is possible during any frost-free period of the year.

Planting must be carried out with care. In the post-planting period, proper, regular irrigation of the plant should be ensured.

Why can we take the guarantee?

How do you recognize our product?



How do you recognize our product?

Warranty conditions!

  1. When purchasing, keep the displayed block or invoice!
  2. After planting, make photo about roses, keep the images for the duration of the warranty!
  3. In the case of the destruction of the plant, send an e-mail ([email protected])with the number of plants destroyed, their type and number of the bill.
  4. Make a photo about every destroyed plant.
  5. Send us an e-mail with the photos about the destroyed plants and the photos after the planting!
  6. Returns the price of the product or, if it is desired, will be exchanged.
  7. In case of replacement, the shipping fee will be paid by the customer!
  8. The growing guarantee is valid for one month after the purchase.
Warranty conditions!


BIG - flower rosa
MICRO - mini rosa
SIMPLE  - rosa
SPICULA - rosa
SELECTION - pharmaRosa

Company informations

vivianaROSE® - pharmaROSA® Ltd.
 Company registration number: 01-09-717479
 Tax number: 13075314-2-43
 Bank account number:
   Bank's name: Raiffeisen Bank


MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, American Express, OTPBank, PayPal